This International Standard specifies methods for the estimation of measurement uncertainty of chemical and
physicochemical methods in single laboratories based on validation data and analytical quality control results
obtained within the field of water analysis.
NOTE 1 The principles of the estimation of uncertainty specified in this International Standard are consistent with the
principles described in ISO/IEC Guide 98-3.
In this International Standard, the quantification of measurement uncertainty relies on performance
characteristics of a measurement procedure obtained from validation and the results of internal and external
quality control.
NOTE 2 The approaches specified in this International Standard are mainly based on QUAM[11], NEN 7779[8], Nordtest
TR 537[10], and Eurolab TR 1[9].
NOTE 3 This International Standard only addresses the evaluation of measurement uncertainty for results obtained
from quantitative measurement procedures. The uncertainties associated with results obtained from qualitative procedures
are not considered.
General information
Status: Under developmentStage: Final text received or FDIS registered for formal approval [50.00]
Edition: 2
Technical Committee :ISO/TC 147/SC 2ICS :13.060.45
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PublishedISO 11352:2012