Reference number
ISO 10303-215:2004
International Standard
ISO 10303-215:2004
Industrial automation systems and integration — Product data representation and exchange — Part 215: Application protocol: Ship arrangement
Edition 1
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ISO 10303-215:2004
Published (Edition 1, 2004)
This publication was last reviewed and confirmed in 2019. Therefore this version remains current.

ISO 10303-215:2004

ISO 10303-215:2004
CHF 221
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ISO 10303-215:2004 specifies the scope and information requirements for the exchange of ship arrangement definitions, geometric representations of compartments and zones, compartment properties, cargoes, cargo assignments, loading conditions, and damage stability information.

The following are within the scope of ISO 10303-215:2004:

  • data describing the general subdivision of a ship into spatially bounded regions;
  • data identifying physical boundaries partitioning the ship into compartments suitable for the stowage of cargo, operation of machinery, and occupancy by crew and passengers;
  • data identifying logical boundaries subdividing the ship into zones for the purpose of controlling access, designating design authority, or applying specific design requirements;
  • data required for the definition of spatial boundaries based on references to moulded form regions or geometric surfaces;
  • configuration management data for identification of versions of compartment designs and for management of changes to the design during the design life cycle phase;
  • data identifying the intended functions of compartments and zones;
  • data required for recording the volumetric capacities of cargo compartments at various combinations of vessel heel and vessel trim;
  • data required for calculation of the magnitude and location of loads acting upon the structural systems of a ship due to the weight of cargoes contained in compartments;
  • data required for the determination of adjacency of compartments;
  • data identifying spaces related by common functional purpose, position within the ship, or connection by engineering systems;
  • data identifying dimensional aspects of spaces;
  • data identifying the product structuring of engineering parts and structural parts contained within a space;
  • data identifying the product structuring of compartments in an area of the ship;
  • data required for the definition of design requirements placed on a space by systems within the ship;
  • data required for the identification of cargoes, stores and consumables and allocation of those items to compartments and tanks for design analysis or on specific voyages during the operation of the ship;
  • definition of loading conditions for analysis of the floating position of the ship under different cargo loading scenarios;
  • data required for the analysis of stability of the ship after damage;
  • data applicable to a single ship, or to multiple ships in a hull class.

The following are outside the scope of ISO 10303-215:2004:

  • data defining the representation of moulded surfaces of structural or non-structural bulkheads;
  • data defining the representation of structural systems and parts;
  • data defining the location, orientation, or geometry of engineering parts and structural parts within a space.

General information

  •  : Published
     : 2004-05
    : Close of review [90.60]
  •  : 1
     : 1052
  • ISO/TC 184/SC 4
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