Government: good or bad?
Doesn't it drive you mad standing in long line-ups at government offices, sitting for hours in a doctor's practice, driving along crumbling roads or stumbling over cracks in sidewalks?
After all, good taxpayer funding goes towards supporting these services that turn out to be unreliable, inefficient, or quite simply a waste of money.
In this edition, you'll learn about how governments can use ISO 9001 to win over voters, clean up bureaucracy and run the public sector like a well-oiled machine. Does this mean governments should be run like a business? Of course not, it simply means that any entity that ignores these realities will eventually "go out of business" – whether or not it's a business.
Май/Июнь 2014
Government: good or bad?
Learn about how governments can use ISO 9001 to win over voters, clean up bureaucracy and run the public sector like a well-oiled machine.
Полезная информация
The Incredible story of diving
We could give you a million reasons why standards are key for the tourism industry, but sometimes all you need is one story to make it real. So here is the tale of one man, a small company, and a revolutionary standard that transformed one of the largest tourism activities worldwide: diving.
This wonder and beauty has its share of risk.
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Об ISOfocus
Публикуемый на английском, французском и испанском языках 6 раз в год, ISOfocus является Вашим проводником в мире международных стандартов. Независимо от того, сталкиваются ли многонациональные предприятия с принятием жизненно важных решений или же это небольшой бизнес, находящийся в поиске идей, составители ISOfocus стараются рассмотреть потребности стратегического планирования и отразить все существенные детали.
Новинки ISO, Приложения
Ознакомьтесь с новыми стандартами и проектами, а также подпишитесь на них.