Variety is the spice of success

Embracing diversity in the workplace.

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Organizations that provide equal opportunities and appreciate the qualities of every single one of their employees do better business. Improved performance, increased innovation and greater staff engagement are just some of the benefits an inclusive organizational culture can bring, but getting there is not always a straight road. A new standard has just been published to help.

ISO 30415, Human resource management – Diversity and inclusion, provides the fundamentals for organizations wishing to create an inclusive workplace and capitalize on the opportunities this can offer. The standard covers actions, principles, measures, and their associated accountabilities and responsibilities, and takes into account the unique context of each workplace.

Jim Lewis, Chair of the ISO technical committee that developed the standard, said creating a truly inclusive organizational culture requires much more than just good intentions.

“Fair and equitable access to jobs and career paths, as well as the opportunity for every employee to be heard and respected, involves deeply embedding the principles of diversity and inclusion in an organization’s policies and practices,” he said.

“ISO 30415 helps organizations to do that across the entire employment life cycle, as well as in their supply chain and relationships with stakeholders. It takes a continuous improvement approach to achieve diversity and inclusion objectives, and to support external validation processes as well.”

Use of the standard will help company leaders demonstrate their commitment to diversity and inclusion to staff and stakeholders alike, as well as identify new opportunities to create an inclusive culture.

ISO 30415 was developed by technical committee ISO/TC 260, Human resource management, whose secretariat is held by ANSI, ISO’s member for the USA. It can be purchased from your national ISO member or the ISO Store.

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