This document describes a basic role model of smart city automated mobility services as a common platform for smart city instantiation. It provides a paradigm describing: a) a framework architecture for the provision of an automated mobility service b) a description of the concept of operations, and the role models c) a conceptual architecture between actors involved in the provision/receipt of automated mobility service applications d) references for the key documents on which the architecture is based e) a taxonomy of the organization of generic procedures. scope is specialized in defining the requirements of the basic role and functional model of service for the introduction of automated mobility services including infrastructure facilities to support mobility in urban and rural areas. In-vehicle control system is not in scope of this document.
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Estado: En desarrollo
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Etapa: Voto sobre el DIS iniciado: 12 semanas [40.20] -
Edición: 1Número de páginas: 13
Comité Técnico :ISO/TC 268/SC 2
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