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Norma o proyecto bajo la responsabilidad directa de ISO/TC 10/SC 8 Secretaría | Etapa | ICS |
Technical drawings — General principles of presentation — Part 23: Lines on construction drawings
95.99 | |
Technical product documentation (TPD) — General principles of presentation — Part 33: Representation of views, sections and cuts in construction drawings
95.99 | |
Technical product documentation (TPD) — General principles of presentation — Part 43: Projection methods in building drawings
95.99 | |
Building drawings — Projection methods
95.99 | |
Construction drawings — Simplified representation of concrete reinforcement
95.99 | |
Construction drawings — Simplified representation of concrete reinforcement
90.93 | |
Construction drawings — Bar scheduling
95.99 | |
Building and civil engineering drawings — Installations — Part 2: Simplified representation of sanitary appliances
95.99 | |
Building and civil engineering drawings — Reference lines
95.99 | |
Building and civil engineering drawings — Representation of areas on sections and views — General principles
95.99 | |
Building drawings — Part 1: Designation of buildings and parts of buildings
95.99 | |
Construction drawings — Designation systems — Part 1: Buildings and parts of buildings
90.93 | |
Technical drawings — Construction drawings — Designation of buildings and parts of buildings — Part 2: Designation of rooms and other areas
95.99 | |
Construction drawings — Designation systems — Part 2: Room names and numbers
90.93 | |
Construction drawings — Designation systems — Part 3: Room identifiers
90.93 | |
Technical drawings — Construction drawings — Drawings for the assembly of prefabricated structures
95.99 | |
Technical product documentation (TPD) — Construction documentation — Drawings for the assembly of prefabricated structures
60.60 | |
Tolerances for building — Indication of tolerances on building and construction drawings
95.99 | |
Construction drawings — Indication of limit deviations
95.99 | |
Technical product documentation — Construction documentation — Indication of limit deviations
60.60 | |
Technical drawings — Coding and referencing systems for building and civil engineering drawings and associated documents
95.99 | |
Technical drawings — Construction drawings — General rules for execution of production drawings for prefabricated structural components
90.93 | |
Technical drawings — Construction drawings — Simplified representation of demolition and rebuilding
90.93 | |
Technical drawings — Construction drawings — General principles of presentation for general arrangement and assembly drawings
95.99 | |
Technical product documentation (TPD) — Construction documentation — General principles of presentation for general arrangement and assembly drawings
90.92 | |
Technical product documentation (TPD) — Construction documentation — General principles of presentation for general arrangement and assembly drawings
60.00 | |
Technical drawings — Construction drawings — Representation of views, sections and cuts
95.99 | |
Technical drawings — Construction drawings — Representation of modular sizes, lines and grids
95.99 | |
Technical drawings — Construction drawings — Representation of modular sizes, lines and grids
90.60 | |
Construction drawings — Spaces for drawing and for text, and title blocks on drawing sheets
90.60 | |
Computer-Aided Design (CAD) Technique — Use of computers for the preparation of construction drawings
95.99 | |
Technical product documentation — Vocabulary — Part 4: Terms relating to construction documentation
95.99 | |
Construction drawings — Landscape drawing practice
90.93 | |
Technical product documentation — Organization and naming of layers for CAD — Part 1: Overview and principles
95.99 | |
Technical product documentation — Organization and naming of layers for CAD — Part 1: Overview and principles
90.93 | |
Technical product documentation — Organization and naming of layers for CAD — Part 2: Concepts, format and codes used in construction documentation
95.99 | |
Technical product documentation — Organization and naming of layers for CAD — Part 2: Concepts, format and codes used in construction documentation
90.93 | |
Technical product documentation — Organization and naming of layers for CAD — Part 3: Application of ISO 13567-1 and ISO 13567-2
95.99 | |
Symbol libraries for construction and facilities management
60.60 | |
Technical product documentation — Metadata for construction documentation
95.99 | |
Library objects for architecture, engineering, construction and use
60.60 | |
Document management — Part 5: Application of metadata for the construction and facility management sector
95.99 |
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