La eficiencia energética es crucial para el desarrollo sostenible y la reducción del impacto ambiental. Las normas ISO en materia de conservación de la energía ayudan a las empresas y a los consumidores a optimizar el uso de la energía, reducir costos y minimizar los residuos.


Desarrollo sostenible para un planeta cambiante

Las ciudades de todo el mundo corren para adaptarse al cambio climático. El aumento de las temperaturas provocado por las emisiones humanas de gases de efecto invernadero está alterando el equilibrio de los sistemas climáticos.

The circular economy: building trust through conformity assessment
Standards and conformity assessment provide assurance on aspects of the circular economy including product lifetime and recyclability, safety and efficiency.
Hilton hotel on a scenic Hawaiian beach at sundown.

How Hilton is going green

Energy spend is a hotel’s second-highest operating cost. Hilton has achieved significant energy reductions through low-cost, high-impact steps, and a portfolio-wide certification to ISO 50001.

Sample standards

Thermal insulation of building elements — In-situ measurement of thermal resistance and thermal transmittance
Part 3: Probe insertion method

Information technology — Data centres key performance indicators
Part 7: Cooling efficiency ratio (CER)

Performance of buildings — Detection of heat, air and moisture irregularities in buildings by infrared methods
Part 1: General procedures

Thermal insulation — Building elements — In-situ measurement of thermal resistance and thermal transmittance
Part 2: Infrared method for frame structure dwelling — Amendment 1: Example of calculation of uncertainty analysis

Energy management systems — Evaluating energy performance using energy performance indicators and energy baselines

Thermal insulation products — Determination of settlement
Part 1: Loose-fill insulation for ventilated attics simulating humidity and temperature cycling