DEVCO which is normally held as part of the ISO Week will be held on 16-17 September.
The ISO Committee on developing country matters (DEVCO) will look into the opportunities and challenges of ISO members in developing countries contributing to the future of the standardization landscape.
Digitalization, engaging the next generation and the role of standards in support of effective regulations will be some of the featured topics of the 55th DEVCO meeting.
The DEVCO meeting will be the opportunity for ISO members, representatives of international organizations and regional standardization bodies to exchange experiences and best practices in support of ISO’s Strategy 2030 and the Action Plan for developing countries 2021-2025.
DEVCO Breakouts
The breakouts will take place twice to facilitate maximum participation from different time zones.
(16:00 - 17:30 UTC+1)
(7:00 - 8:30 UTC+1)

Standards for effective regulation
International standards are efficient and cost-effective tools for meeting public policy objectives, including those set forth by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Their use contributes to agile policy making, enhances transparency, predictability and accountability of the regulatory process and stimulates sustainable economic growth.
This breakout session will highlight best practices from ISO members supporting their national regulatory process and raising awareness among policy makers of the value of standards and the importance of the standards development process. It will also be an opportunity to learn more about the ISO Toolkit, a practical guidance to help NSBs enhance their collaboration with policy makers in support of good regulatory practices (GRP).

The next generation in standards
Attracting young people to ISO’s work can bring creativity and innovation into standards development. Engaging the ‘next generation’ will ensure the sustainability of the system while increasing the diversity within the ISO technical community, contributing to ISO’s strategic priority #6 – all voices heard.
ISO and its members face certain challenges when it comes to recruiting and conveying the benefits of standards and standardization among young people. Similarly, universities and educational institutions have limited incentives to teach about standards.
This breakout will discuss the importance of young people in standardization, and highlight best practices from ISO members to engage students and integrate standards in university curriculum. This will also be an opportunity to learn about current ISO projects targeted in this area and ongoing research to engage academia.
16-17 September 2021
12:00 – 14:00 (UTC+1) -
Breakouts16 September (16:00 – 17:30 UTC+1)
17 September (07:00 – 08:30 UTC+1) -
Virtual meeting
English / French
ISO Members