

Standardization in the field of laboratory design including site selection, design of space and integration of services with the objective to provide functional, safe, energy efficient and sustainable laboratories considering the health and wellbeing of laboratory users, environmental impact, the practical division of experimental and support areas and layouts plus model selection of integrated laboratory equipment.

It includes standardization of apparatus and devices for personnel safety, health, environmental protection, and energy saving that are an integral part of the laboratory.

Standardization of devices and furniture for laboratory purposes, with respect to principles of construction, performance, dimensions and testing are covered by ISO/TC 48 and are excluded from the scope of ISO/TC 336.


  • ISO/TC 48 (Laboratory equipment);
  • ISO/TC 212 (Clinical laboratory testing and in vitro diagnostic test systems);
  • CASCO;
  • IEC/TC 66 (Safety of measuring control and laboratory equipment);
  • ISO/TC 209 (Clean rooms).
  • Quick links


    ISO standard under development *

    Participating members
    Observing members

    * number includes updates

    Liaison Committees to ISO/TC 336

    The committees below can access the documents of ISO/TC 336:


    Liaison Committees from ISO/TC 336

    ISO/TC 336 can access the documents of the committees below:


    Organizations in liaison (Category A and B)

    * Information definite but meeting not yet formally convened
    ** Provisional

    ISO/TC 336 - Secretariat

    SAC (China)

    Standardization Administration of China
    No. 9 Madian Donglu, Haidian District
    Beijing 100088

    Tel: +8610 8226 2644
    Fax: +8610 8226 0660