Standards and Critical and Emerging Technologies
As rapid digitalization advances, with innovations such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) developing at an unrelenting pace, the need for credible and trustworthy International Standards is increasing. Standards are an essential component to developing a coherent, trustworthy and safe approach to the technological changes taking place in the world of today.
Since 2022, ISO has been implementing a capacity building programme for members in the Southeast Asian region, to complement Standard Australia’s (SA) project on International Standards Integration for Critical and Emerging Technology (CET) in Southeast Asia.
Programme objectives
Strengthen beneficiary countries’ engagement in global standards development for CET and support adoption/use of relevant ISO standards. This will contribute to strengthening the standardization pillar of the national quality infrastructure and benefit beneficiary countries’ respective governments and private sectors.
Beneficiary countries
Cambodia (ISC), Indonesia (BSN), Lao PDR (DOSM), Malaysia (DSM), the Philippines (BPS), Thailand (TISI) and Viet Nam (STAMEQ).
The Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), under the Cyber and Critical Tech Cooperation Program.
Programme implementation and timeline
The ISO programme began in mid-2022 and will end in June 2024. Activities that have taken place so far include training on National Standardization Strategies (NSS) and national adoptions of ISO standards, both in the context of CET. In addition, beneficiary countries attended a workshop ahead of the ISO/IEC JTC 1 Information Technology plenary in Berlin, in November 2023, to gain an understanding of the ISO standards development process and what to expect at the plenary.

Figure: Participants of a training on national adoptions of ISO standards & CET
On the horizon
Capacity building interventions related to Good Standardization Practices (GSP), further training on standards adoptions, and participation in relevant ISO committees will be rolled out in coming months.
Participating in this capacity-building activity has been a valuable experience. I have learned a lot about CET-related standards and how they can be used to improve the quality and safety of critical and emerging technologies. I am confident that I can use this knowledge to make a positive impact in my work.
Participant of national adoptions training
Participating in the JTC1 capacity building activity is an invaluable opportunity to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively participate in the development of international standards. The activity provides participants with a comprehensive understanding of the international standardization process and the benefits of international standards for developing countries.
Participant of JTC 1 pre-plenary training in Berlin
Gender equality, diversity and social inclusion (GEDSI)
The ISO programme is proud to champion diversity by encouraging gender balanced representation, age diversity, and social inclusion. The activities implemented by ISO aim to adhere to GEDSI principles.