International Standard
ISO/DIS 22109
Industrial valves — Gearbox for valves
Reference number
ISO/DIS 22109
Edition 2
Проект Международный стандарт
ISO/DIS 22109
недоступно на русском языке
Проект данного международного стандарта находится на этапе рассмотрения членами ИСО.
Текущее издание: ISO 22109:2020

ISO/DIS 22109

ISO/DIS 22109
CHF 65
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This document provides basic requirements for gearboxes to operate industrial valves for manual and automated on/off and modulating duties, this includes manual override gearboxes. It includes guidelines for classification, design and methods for conformity assessment.

It does not cover gear systems which are integral part in the design of valves and subsea gearboxes.

Other requirements or conditions of use different from those indicated in this document are agreed between the purchaser and the manufacturer or supplier (first party), prior to order.

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    You can help develop this draft international standard by contacting your national member

    : Начало голосования по проекту между-народно-го стандарта: 3 мес. [40.20]
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