This standard specifies the general requirements to surface corrosion protection of structural members for offshore wind structurers for execution of the preparation-, and coating process on steel tower structures for off-shore wind in order to ensure adequate levels of durability of the following types of coating protective systems: — metal material (e.g., Zn99,99, ZnAl15) based applied using thermal spraying and supplied in the state: as-sprayed, sealed, or with organic coating of e.g. type epoxy-, and polyurethane; — based on paint products of e.g. type: zinc-rich-, epoxy-, and polyurethane. related to be following topics: — Execution specification of coating systems; — Manufacturer’s documentation (Quality assurance system, quality plan etc.); — Manufacturing process; — Inspection, testing correction; — As-built documentation This standard may be required to be used in conjunction with one or more of the following Parts: — Part 1: Design considerations; — Part 3: Primary steel components - Supplementary requirements for Foundations; — Part 4: Primary steel components - Supplementary requirements for Towers; — Part 5: Supplementary requirements for primary structural steel- and cast components for rotor nacelle assembly; NOTE Typical the following components should be considered as offshore wind and related structures. — Offshore steel foundation for wind turbine, substation and topsides — Steel Tower sections — Structural steel, cast iron or cast steel, and welded/bolted main components in the rotor-nacelle assembly.
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Текущий статус: В стадии разработкиЭтап: Регистрация новой рабочей темы в программе работ ТК/ПК [20.00]
Версия: 1
Технический комитет :ISO/TC 107
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