Проект комитета
ISO/CD 8102-1
Electrical requirements for lifts, escalators and moving walks — Part 1: Electromagnetic compatibility with regard to emissions
Ссылочный номер
ISO/CD 8102-1
Версия 2
Проект комитета
ISO/CD 8102-1
Проект данного международного стандарта рассматривается комитетом.
Текущее издание: ISO 8102-1:2020


This document specifies the emission limits in relation to electromagnetic disturbances and test conditions for lifts, escalators and moving walks, which are intended to be permanently installed in buildings. It is possible, however, that these limits do not provide full protection against disturbances caused to radio and TV reception when such equipment is used within distances given in Table 1.

This document is not applicable for apparatus which are manufactured before the date of its publication

Общая информация

  •  : В стадии разработки
    : Начало изучения проекта комитета [30.20]
  •  : 2
  • ISO/TC 178
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