The JT file format specification for 3D visualization specifies the sequential order of bytes that comprise the segments of data required to represent a JT file. The JT format is uniquely compressed to minimize file size. The JT file format specification for 3D visualization includes data descriptions that can represent the following data. — facet information (triangles), stored with geometry compression techniques; — visual attributes such as lights, textures and materials; — product manufacturing information (PMI); — boundary representation (b-rep) solid model shape representation and associated metadata; — configuration representations; and — delivery methods such as asynchronous streaming of content. The following geometry representation are proposed to be deprecated in the ISO 14306 Part 4 specification — lightweight ULP geometric boundary representation; — lightweight LWPA precise analytic geometric boundary representation; A complete list of Product Manufacturing Information (PMI) String Property Atom Element values will be made available as a Reference Data Library in electronic insert format. A number of Material and Surface attributes referenced by the ISO 14306-4 specification will also be defined in a separate Reference Data Library in electronic insert format. The JT file format specification for 3D visualization does not specify the implementation of, or definition of, any runtime architecture for viewing and/or processing JT data.
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Текущий статус: В стадии разработкиЭтап: Рассылка краткого отчета по итогам голосования [40.60]
Версия: 1
Технический комитет :ISO/TC 184/SC 4ICS :35.240.50
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