Welcome to ISO Open Data

ISO Open Data is freely available for everyone to use. We aim to promote transparency, innovation, and efficiency in the International Standards ecosystem.

You will find machine-readable datasets describing the international standards ecosystem in Parquet, JSONLines, and CSV files. Currently we offer metadata on ISO deliverables, technical committees (TCs), and the International Classification for Standards (ICS).

If you are developing data-driven applications, conducting research, or integrating ISO standards into automated systems, our open data resources ensure seamless access to up-to-date, structured information. Explore machine-readable datasets to enhance your AI models, business intelligence tools, and compliance tracking systems. Download the latest data and power your applications with ISO standards metadata.

Each dataset is released under a specific license. Please ensure your usage is compliant. Generally you are welcome to share, adapt and create from the datasets as long as ISO is attributed.

ISO Deliverables Metadata

Description/Summary International Standards make the majority of ISO deliverables. In this dataset you find metadata describing deliverables currently published or being developed.
Dataset identifier iso_deliverables_metadata
License ODC Attribution License (ODC-By) v1.0
Published by ISO
Availability Released
First published 2025-03-05
Update frequency Daily
Download Data Parquet, JSONLines, CSV
How to cite and attribute this dataset

This work is based on the iso_deliverables_metadata dataset from ISO Open Data, licensed under ODC Attribution License (ODC-By) v1.0

This work is based on the <a href="https://www.iso.org/open-data.html#iso_deliverables_metadata" target="_blank">iso_deliverables_metadata</a> dataset from <a href="https://www.iso.org/open-data.html" target="_blank">ISO Open Data</a>, licensed under <a href="https://opendatacommons.org/licenses/by/1-0/" target="_blank">ODC Attribution License (ODC-By) v1.0</a></p>


ISO.org - Standards
ISO.org - International harmonized stage codes

perField name Description Type Example
id Unique identifier of deliverable integer 62085
deliverableType Abbreviated deliverable type, as defined in RFC 5141 2.4.1 section "type", in uppercase, with the explicit addition of the default "IS" as International Standard string PAS
supplementType Abbreviated supplement type, as defined in RFC 5141 2.4.1 section "suppltype" {"amd", "cor", "add", "ext", "suppl"} amd

Reference of a draft or standard. Varies over time through stages, should not vary after publication.

string ISO 9001:2015
publicationDate The date when stage 60.60 (Publication)

was reached

date 2015-09-22

Project sequential edition number, starting with 1

integer 2
icsCode See International Classification for Standards array[string] ["03.100.70","03.120.10"]
ownerCommittee Committee responsible for the standard string ISO/TC 20/SC 1


Current stage of the project per the harmonized stages codes, omitting the punctuation integer 6060
stageHistory Full history of the project's stage progression, which may contain repeated stages and cycles array[struct]

{"stage":6060,"startDate":"1954-01-01","endDate":"1959-01-01"}, {"stage":9599,"startDate":"1959-01-01","endDate":null}

replaces IDs of the deliverable(s) that this deliverable replaces array[integer] [4221]
replacedBy IDs of the deliverable(s) that this deliverable is replaced by array[integer] [54915,41131]
languages The language codes for the languages in which this deliverable was published, per ISO 639 set 1 array[string] ["en", "fr"]
pages The number of technical content pages in the deliverables PDF publication(s), whereby the English document's number is used to generate a deliverable's list price struct[text, integer] {"en": 47}

Project scope, formerly named "Abstract"; this is a short description of the purpose and summary of the contents of the standard

struct[text, text/html]

{"en": "ISO 9001:2015 specifies requirements for a quality management system when an organization:

a) needs to demonstrate its ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements, and

b) aims to enhance customer satisfaction through the effective application of the system, including processes for improvement of the system and the assurance of conformity to customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.

All the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 are generic and are intended to be applicable to any organization, regardless of its type or size, or the products and services it provides."}

ISO Technical Committees Metadata


ISO develop deliverables (mostly standards) though wide participation in Technical Committees or Subcommittees. International consensus building and decision making happens in these groups, where members of ISO participate with various degrees of involvement.

In this dataset, you find metadata about active and standby technical committees - disbanded committees are omitted.

Dataset identifier iso_technical_committees
License ODC Attribution License (ODC-By) v1.0
Published by ISO
Availability Released
First published 2025-03-05
Update frequency Weekly
Download Data Parquet, JSONLines, CSV
How to cite and attribute this dataset

This work is based on the iso_technical_committees dataset from ISO Open Data, licensed under ODC Attribution License (ODC-By) v1.0

<p>This work is based on the <a href="https://www.iso.org/open-data.html#iso_technical_committees" target="_blank">iso_technical_committees</a> dataset from <a href="https://www.iso.org/open-data.html" target="_blank">ISO Open Data</a>, licensed under <a href="https://opendatacommons.org/licenses/by/1-0/" target="_blank">ODC Attribution License (ODC-By) v1.0</a></p>

References ISO - Technical Committees

Field name Description Type Example
id Unique identifier for committee or sub-committee integer 46426
reference The reference of a committee starts with the acronym of the committee "owner" organization, and is usually followed by short acronyms and numbers. The reference is normally stable, it rarely changes over time. However, it can happen that at committee reference previously disbanded is reactivated with another scope. string ISO/TC 23/SC 4
status Status of the committee, one of "Active" or "Suspended" string Active

Title of the committee, usually a few words (much shorter than the scope)

struct {"en" : "Quantum technologies"}
secretariat NSB who appoints the secretariat (an ISO Member Body) struct {"id" : 2101, "acronym" : "SIS"}
creationDate Date of committee creation date 1952-06-01
scope Several sentences scoping the work of the TC or SC struct[text/html] {"en":"Standardization of general issues, principal requirements, design elements, construction and operation of ships technology for intermodal, including ship/port interface and other modes of transportation, and short sea shipping."}
parentId Numerical id of a sub committee's parent committee


childrenId Array of id(s) of committee(s) for which this committee is the parent


[47502, 47522, 47530, 47562]

pMembers NSB(s) who are full participating member(s) of the technical committee array [{"id":1511,"acronym":"DIN"},{"id":1635,"acronym":"SAC"}, {"id":1663,"acronym":"KATS"},{"id":1717,"acronym":"UNE"}, {"id":1725,"acronym":"IES"},{"id":1734,"acronym":"SFS"}, {"id":1738,"acronym":"AFNOR"}, {"id":1803,"acronym":"INSO"}, {"id":1835,"acronym":"JISC"}, {"id":2045,"acronym":"PKN"}, {"id":2054,"acronym":"IPQ"}, {"id":2064,"acronym":"BSI"}, {"id":2101,"acronym":"SIS"}, {"id":2176,"acronym":"GOST R"}]

NSB(s) who are observer member(s) of the technical committee

array [{"id":1516,"acronym":"SASO"}, {"id":1529,"acronym":"ASI"}, {"id":1734,"acronym":"SFS"}, {"id":1803,"acronym":"INSO"}, {"id":1911,"acronym":"DSM"}, {"id":2027,"acronym":"NEN"}, {"id":2045,"acronym":"PKN"}, {"id":2058,"acronym":"ASRO"}]
committeeLiaisons Committees to which this committee is a liaison, and whose documents this committee may access array [{"id":629086,"reference":"ISO/TC 261"}]
organizationLiaisons Organizations which are in a category A or B liaison with this committee array [{"id":3182,"acronym":"EC - European Commission"}, {"id":9698,"acronym":"OIML"}]
sortKey Text key that may be used to sort records, for more pleasant viewing experience string ISO/TC 002/~SC 007

International Classification for Standards (ICS)


The International Classification for Standards (ICS) is intended to serve as a structure for catalogues of international, regional and national standards and other normative documents, and as a basis for standing-order systems for international, regional and national standards. It may also be used for classifying standards and normative documents in databases, libraries, etc.

The ICS should facilitate the harmonization of information and ordering tools such as catalogues, selective lists, bibliographies, and databases on magnetic and optical media, thus promoting the world-wide dissemination of international, regional and national standards and other normative documents.

Dataset identifier iso_ics
License ODC Attribution License (ODC-By) v1.0
Published by ISO
Availability Released
First published 2015
Last updated 2025, edition 7
Update frequency Upon new edition (rarely: this reference data set is very stable)
Hyperlinks to download data files CSV, XML, OWL (RDF/XML)
How to cite and attribute this dataset

This work is based on the iso_ics dataset from ISO Open Data, licensed under ODC Attribution License (ODC-By) v1.0

<p>This work is based on the <a href="https://www.iso.org/open-data.html#iso_ics" target="_blank">iso_ics</a> dataset from <a href="https://www.iso.org/open-data.html" target="_blank">ISO Open Data</a>, licensed under <a href="https://opendatacommons.org/licenses/by/1-0/" target="_blank">ODC Attribution License (ODC-By) v1.0</a></p>

Source International Classification for Standards

Field name Description Type Example
identifier The ICS displayable label, valid for fields, groups or supgroups. string 03.140

The identifier of the parent (upper) ICS field or group.

Will be empty for fields as they are top level and do not have a parent.

string 03
titleEn English title of the ICS field, group or supgroup string Testing
titleFr French title of the ICS field, group or supgroup string Essais
scopeEn Optional scope refinement or precision string Including paper recycling
scopeFr Optional scope refinement or precision string Y compris recyclage du papier
references Cross-references from one ICS  to other ICS code(s) reference (see below, only in XML or RDF formats, absent from CSV)
reference.identifier The referenced ICS identifier string 01.080.10
reference.note Explains the context for referring to another ICS identifier string Information technology applications in banking


Each dataset is released under a specific license - please ensure your usage is compliant. Generally you are welcome to share, adapt and create from the datasets as long as ISO is attributed.

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File types

We generally offer files in three formats:

  1. Parquet: Self-describing, high compression binary format that most accurately maintains data structure and formatting. This is the recommended format to read our data and enjoys extensive support by data processing libraries in many programming languages.
  2. JSONLines (jsonl): Text format containing one valid JSON object per row. Unless otherwise noted, each row contains all fields (including null values) so schema inference may be done on a single row. JSONLines also enjoys extensive support by data processing libraries. JSONLines offers the ability to incrementally process files line by line, removing the need for parsers to read the entire dataset to memory and enabling parallelisation.
  3. CSV: Human and machine readable text format. Our CSV files are encoded in UTF-8 and written for maximal ease of use/compatibility with Microsoft Excel. They therefore may not contain all columns (especially arrays of structures) or source formatting (such as newlines in strings).