Proactive risk management is key to navigating uncertainties and ensuring organizational stability. Standards in risk management offer comprehensive tools for identifying, evaluating, and controlling potential risks, enabling organizations to respond effectively to challenges. These standards help in building resilience, protecting assets, and maintaining continuous operations, ultimately supporting informed decision-making and sustainable success.

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Создавая устойчивый путь к отчетности в области ESG

Стремление к более устойчивому будущему привело к тому, что вопросы ESG - в развернутом варианте - экологии, социальной сферы и управления - занимают центральное место на заседаниях советов директоров компаний по всему миру.

Наиболее популярные стандарты

Asset management — Guidance for the development of public policy to enable asset management

Security and resilience — Emergency management
Part 3: Guidelines for the implementation of a community-based early warning system for tsunamis

Security and resilience — Authenticity, integrity and trust for products and documents — Guidelines for securing physical documents

Security and resilience — Authenticity, integrity and trust for products and documents — Validation procedures for the application of artefact metrics

Circular economy — Guidance on the transition of business models and value networks

Circular economy — Vocabulary, principles and guidance for implementation