Rendez-vous l'année prochaine !

Alors que l'édition 2024 touche à sa fin, découvrez les temps forts de la semaine.

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Shaping the future through standards

A week of insightful discussions on advancing standards to address the world's most pressing challenges. 

Under the theme “Breaking boundaries”, this year’s event brought together an audience of over 14 000, in person and online, from more than 135 countries. Participants were challenged to “think outside the box” and harness diverse viewpoints to ensure lasting transformative change and a better future for all.

Hosted by ICONTEC, Colombia’s national standards body, the Annual Meeting showcased how International Standards can drive sustainable and inclusive growth, promote responsible AI and shape the future of human capital. The event served as a powerful platform for engaging diverse voices across sectors, encouraging collaboration, and fostering innovative solutions that transcend geographic and industry boundaries.

Catch-up with our daily recaps

Highlights from Day 1

Key moments from the ISO Annual Meeting 2024’s opening day.

Highlights from Day 2

Key moments from the ISO Annual Meeting 2024’s second day.

Highlights from Day 3

Key moments from the ISO Annual Meeting 2024’s third day

Highlights from Day 4

Key moments from the ISO Annual Meeting 2024’s final day

Memorable moments

ISO and the UNDP launched the first-ever international guidelines designed to help businesses and organizations advance their contributions to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Together, let’s make a positive, tangible impact to accelerate SDG progress.

Download the guidelines.

AI for good

With AI’s rapid evolution, the need for a cohesive, global approach to governance has become critical. AI needs to be developed and deployed responsibly and safely – standards and frameworks are the answer.

Strengthen your AI management with ISO/IEC 42001.

Calling the next generation!

A key takeaway was the call to involve and leverage the youth in driving this transition. The youth engagement programme – ISO Environmental Management (ISO/TC 207) Youth Leadership Group – will play a vital role in this effort.

Check out the work of ISO/TC 207.

View all the sessions

Missed a session? We got you covered, all our online sessions and recaps are available for later viewing.

All of the online sessions videos are available on demand for later viewing:

Opening Ceremony

Sustainable and inclusive growth

Responsible AI for all

The future of human capital

Launch of the new ISO/UNDP guidelines for the SDGs

Over 14 000 participants from 135 countries.

Representing a diverse mix of industries, governments and regions, this global audience reflected the broad scope and impact of International Standards.


in-person participants

13 500

online viewers






sessions and workshops

ISO Annual Meeting 2024 in photos

Browse our collection of photos day per day and download them from Flickr.

Latest highlights / day 4

Dive into our top stories

In-depth insights on this year's main topics.

L’ISO et le Programme des Nations Unies pour le développement (PNUD) ont dévoilé les toutes premières lignes directrices internationales visant à aider les entreprises et les organisations à accélérer leur contribution aux Objectifs de développement durable (ODD) des Nations Unies. 
Face aux bouleversements technologiques, aux transformations sociétales et aux risques environnementaux, la bonne gouvernance peut s’avérer un atout pour bâtir un avenir meilleur. 
Today, we stand in a world full of peril and potential in equal measure. Artificial intelligence (AI) has propelled us into a new era of technology and given rise to questions about what’s next.
La métrologie est un fondement invisible de la qualité de vie. Elle relie toutes les activités humaines et est alimentée par un cycle continu de précision qui fait progresser la science et la technologie.
L’équité est fondamentale pour créer un environnement de travail juste et inclusif. Sans l’équité, on ne peut libérer tout le potentiel que recèlent nos différences.
Au cours des 30 dernières années, le format d’image JPEG s’est avéré un incontournable pour des milliards d’internautes.
Despite efforts, global climate action suffers from an imbalance between adaptation and mitigation. Through robust frameworks and climate finance, we can cope with climate change more effectively.
Empreint de compassion et d’humanité, le secteur des soins de santé semble à première vue peu enclin à accorder un rôle de premier plan à l’intelligence artificielle. Pourtant, elle est appelée à révolutionner les soins aux patients de bien des manières.

Un grand merci aux organisations qui parrainent la Réunion annuelle de l’ISO 2024

See you in Rwanda!

Save the date for the ISO Annual Meeting 2025, taking place from 6‑10 October in Kigali, Rwanda. This year, participants left with renewed hope and a shared commitment to driving global change. ISO is dedicated to advancing this momentum and making meaningful strides toward a more sustainable and inclusive future.

As we continue to address the challenges and opportunities ahead, we invite you to join us in Kigali to be part of the next chapter in shaping the International Standards that will impact us all.

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ISO Annual Meeting 2025

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