The process of digitalization has reached every aspect of modern living. Even the way we think about sports and video games in the 21st century is changing.
As a follow-up to the two workshop sessions held on 2-3 March (see details below), ISO and DIN are organizing another virtual event to provide a brief summary of the workshop outcomes (bringing together the inputs from sessions 1 and 2) and to discuss potential next steps.

PAST event
Growing out of the humble beginnings of 1980s arcade caves and online gaming of the early 2000s, the number of eSport enthusiasts has grown exponentially in recent years. The wealth of opportunities this evolution has brought is countered by various challenges that need to be addressed in an international context.
This workshop seeks to bring together video game developers, publishers, tournament organizers, standardizers, and other interested stakeholders. Join us to explore the challenges facing eSports today, and analyze how International Standards can help support this exciting new industry.
The workshop will be held online (via Zoom) and it will be repeated in order to facilitate participation from different time zones.
Wednesday 14 April, 14:00-14:45 CEST
Virtual workshop
Video game developers, publishers, tournament organizers, standardizers, and other interested stakeholders