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Norma o proyecto bajo la responsabilidad directa de ISO/TC 282/SC 3 Secretaría | Etapa | ICS |
Guidelines for health risk assessment and management for non-potable water reuse
90.93 | |
Guidance for performance grading of recovered reverse osmosis (RO) membranes for water reuse
60.60 | |
Guidelines for performance evaluation of treatment technologies for water reuse systems — Part 1: General
90.93 | |
Guidelines for performance evaluation of treatment technologies for water reuse systems — Part 2: Methodology to evaluate performance of treatment systems on the basis of greenhouse gas emissions
90.60 | |
Guidelines for performance evaluation of treatment technologies for water reuse systems — Part 3: Ozone treatment technology
60.60 | |
Guidelines for performance evaluation of treatment technologies for water reuse systems — Part 4: UV Disinfection
60.60 | |
Guidelines for performance evaluation of treatment technologies for water reuse systems — Part 5: Membrane filtration
60.60 | |
Guidelines for performance evaluation of treatment technologies for water reuse systems — Part 6: Ion exchange and electrodialysis
60.60 | |
Guidelines for performance evaluation of treatment technologies for water reuse systems — Part 7: Advanced oxidation processes technology
60.60 | |
Guidelines for performance evaluation of treatment technologies for water reuse systems — Part 8: Evaluation of treatment systems based on life cycle cost
60.60 | |
Performance evaluation of treatment technologies for water reuse systems — Part 9: Guidelines and requirements for electro-chlorination
60.60 | |
Performance evaluation of treatment technologies for water reuse systems — Part 10: Guidelines for evaluation of dependability of treatment systems
40.20 | |
Performance evaluation of treatment technologies for water reuse systems — Part 11: Guidelines for nano-adsorbents
20.20 |
Guidelines for water quality grade classification for water reuse
90.93 | |
High quality reuse of gray water
20.00 |
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